1. Climate fry-sis
The combination of anger and exhaustion that hits when you read one more article about how switching to metal straws will save the environment.
2. Soul-ar panel
Two days of panel discussions led by a spiritual climate guru who is convinced that the solution to climate change is aligning the planet’s chakras.
3. Car-funk emissions
The guilt you feel when you drive/uber to work instead of taking public transport.
4. Paa-ris Agreement
The unspoken agreement you have with your father: you don’t bring up how the planet may not be livable, and he doesn’t ask about future plans/marriage/having grandchildren.

5. 3 R’s: Reverence, remorse, regret
The everyday emotions of somebody working in climate justice.
6. Bio-die-versity
All your brain cells dying a slow death while listening to rich businessmen talk about carbon tax.
7. Sustainabili-tea
That one donor who always invites you to their office and offers you ethically grown tea but doesn’t apply a climate or justice lens to their funding.
8. Re-no-able energy
The enthusiasm with which the HR says no to you every time you bring up attending an international conference on climate change.
9. Pollu-shun
When your climate conscious friends shun you for buying a plastic water bottle because you forgot your ethically sourced copper water bottle at home.