1. April 1
This is my first week at this job and I am trying to make friends, but nobody seems to have listened to the most recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. My fun facts about India’s miraculous run during the 1983 Cricket World Cup did not interest them.
2. April 14
The only gains I’ve been complimented on so far are those that I’ve made professionally. I’m beginning to wonder if I haven’t spent enough time at the gym.
3. May 12
Was taken aback by the shallowness of some of my colleagues today—they politely rejected my suggestion of a panel of senior experts for our conference on Youth and Gender after I showed them what the panelists looked like:

4. May 27
Forwarded a helpful weight loss tip to my colleague but was asked to mind my own business.
5. June 5
I was told that we would have to “present the pitch” to funders, but was pulled from the meeting after I showed them my slides:

6. June 17
Apparently, suggesting that people smile more is not a valid critique for a performance evaluation.
7. July 6
Burnout is affecting us all. I told my colleagues that my wife and I split the chores evenly, but they just gave me a tired look instead of applauding.