IDR humour: *Roasts the development sector every Monday, without fail.*
Also IDR, the minute someone from outside the sector says anything derogatory about it:

Our new social media manager, trying to figure out the login details for our handles:

Social impact stalwarts/experts in their field/people who have been running programmes for decades: “Here is the language we use to describe our work”
IDR: “Hear us out – what if we changed it entirely?”

They’re a 10, but their team dresses the same and makes strange boomerang choices during retreats.

Everyone: The middle of the pandemic really isn’t the time to grow
IDR, while increasing the team by 3x, starting two podcasts and content verticals, and launching a Hindi microsite:

IDR humour: *Makes fun of donors and foundations on the regular*
IDR’s donors (who have stepped in when we needed gap funding, supported our capacity building efforts, and backed us since day 1):