February 1st brought in the Lunar New Year. And 2022 is going to be the year of the Tiger. The Tiger symbolises courage and fierceness. It is the diametric opposite of the Monkey, whose strength is in thinking and strategy. This is not to say that Tigers don’t think. They do. But they are geared toward action. And that’s what this year will be about. Courage, however, can manifest in many different ways.
Here are some that Vu Le from Nonprofit AF thought of—pick a few and do them this year:
1. Talk to a friend on the phone
It may feel weird and scary to talk to someone on the phone, but before texts, this is how our ancestors communicated, and it’s nice to keep ancient traditions alive.
2. Post something real on social media
Sure, that perfectly crafted picture of you with dewy youthful skin and smiling kids will get lots of likes. But how about a photo of you looking disheveled, surrounded by dirty laundry while your kids are setting the couch on fire behind you?
3. Admit something to yourself you’ve been hiding
We all have things we are in denial about, even with ourselves. Do what I do: Look in the mirror, take a deep breath, stare yourself in the eyes, and say “I am resistant to play Wordle because I have a deeply-rooted fear of failure and rejection.”
4. Be vulnerable
We must stop with the facades. It’s ok to not be ok. Scream if you need to. Slide down poetically against a wall and then weep softly into your hands if you need to. Then pick yourself up and complete your order at Chipotle; you’re holding up the line.

5. Publicly call out something inequitable
For example, if you see an organization or business post a job posting that does not have a salary listed, go on Twitter and call them out by name for wasting everyone’s time and perpetuating racial and gender wage gaps. Extra courage points if you currently work for this organisation or company.
6. Put your thoughts out there regarding something important
Write an op-ed or article or make a video. Who knows, maybe your piece about the solenodon will get people to finally ask “what the hell is a solenodon” and care about this tiny, venomous, endangered mammal.
7. Admit that you were wrong about something
Whether it’s about the effectiveness of vaccines, how being a billionaire is unethical, or the redeeming qualities of Love Actually (none), it’s never too late to own up to the fact that you got something wrong.
8. Like yourself for who you are
You are an incredible person just the way you are, and your existence makes the world better! Unless, of course, you voted against voting rights or for banning books, in which case you’re a dreadful person whose existence makes the world worse and you really should change.
9. Face your own mortality
It takes courage to acknowledge our frail mortal coil and our inevitable, sometimes sudden, demise. Update your will, healthcare directives, and other documents. Here’s a good resource with checklists and templates.
10. Let that one thing go
You know what I am talking about. That thing. That one thing that happened that one or more times and/or has been ongoing that may have had some degree of impact on your and/or a loved one’s life. It’s time to let it go.
For the full list of 22 courageous things you can do, go to NonprofitAF, where this article was originally published.