Most people working in the nonprofit sector wear multiple hats, with one person doing everything from social media marketing to HR to making sure the office has enough snacks. And so it’s no wonder that sometimes we fall a little (ok, very!) behind on our deadlines.
Here are seven SRK gifs for all your deadline-related woes. If the King of Romance can’t fix them, no one can.
It’s been two months and you still haven’t filled out your reimbursement forms. The finance team has given up and is now threatening not to reimburse you at all.
You, knowing full well that you’ve misplaced some of the invoices:

You promised the CEO you’d ghostwrite an article for them. But that was 10 months ago, and all you have is a blank document and a working title.
You, planning to pawn it off on the new intern under the guise of ‘experience’:

Your manager calls you urgently and apologises profusely—there’s been a last-minute strategy change and the PPT you were responsible for making won’t be needed at the meeting.
You, who had planned to work on it the night before the deadline:

On Friday, your project lead informs you that you have been chosen to speak about green investment at a climate conference. They emphasise that you will be representing your organisation, and expect you to be elated. Of course, the event is on Monday.
You, in your head:

Your co-worker messages the team, letting everyone know that they’ve finished cleaning up the impact data (including your share) because they were ‘in the zone’ and felt like it.
You, who avoids everything Excel like the plague:

A vendor has been trying to get in touch with you for weeks, but their e-mails go straight to the bottom of your 127 unanswered ones.
You, sliding into their inbox a month later, pretending that you only just saw their e-mail:

Your organisation is planning to start a new project, one that you’re very excited by since it’s exactly why you started working in the nonprofit space.
You, volunteering to be part of it even though you already have three deadlines that were due yesterday: