“I heard she moved to join a sangathan. Does that mean she’s a Communist now? Her poor parents…”
— Overheard a family friend at the snack table.
“Look, I mean, it’s admirable and all. I work in CSR and do good work too. But the other day, she asked me if I’ve ever visited the actual grassroots. I mean, we literally have WhatsApp groups for that.”
— Overheard a cousin near the dessert counter.
“When I asked her why she didn’t just get a job in a nonprofit in the city, she said, ‘I’m doing a lot of unlearning by living there.’ I told her she could’ve done that without the master’s degree.”
— Overheard an uncle at the chaat table.

“Wait, so she’s not working at the UN? She’s actually, like, there in the village? I didn’t know working with communities meant actually living with them.”
— Overheard an aunt at the drinks station.
“My son has a job in finance in London. You know, something practical. But I guess… working with farmers is practical in its own way?”
— Overheard a twice removed cousin in the drawing room.
“Every time she comes home, she talks about how fulfilling her work is. My daughter met her spouse while working. Are there even marriage prospects in rural India?”
— Overheard near the circle of aunties.
“I heard she’s ‘empowering communities’ now. Isn’t that something people usually donate to? I didn’t realise you actually move there to do it yourself.”
— Overheard by the family patriarch.