Sajju Meena

Sajju Meena-Image

Sajju Meena is a tribal woman who grew up in a small village around 100 kilometres outside of Udaipur. She started her journey in community mobilisation for health and nutrition as a village volunteer 12 years ago. Today, Sajju supports 50 such volunteers, as well as ten daycare centres (phulwaris) spread across hard-to-reach areas in rural Udaipur. She has supported and guided close to 1,500 pregnancies, helped around 500 women access contraception, and has worked to improve nutrition among nearly 1,000 children.  

Articles by Sajju Meena

a community health worker with a mother and her child-frontline community health workers_COVID-19-picture courtesy: Sajju Meena

মে 18, 2020
A day in the life of: A community health worker
In rural Rajasthan, community health workers are taking on new roles—dispelling myths around the pandemic and allaying fears that come with the lockdown.
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