1. When you need to check whether you’re “zoom ready” before a supervisor check-in but your partner is using the bathroom mirror to dye their hair.![two panel image of deepika looking at herself in the mirror-nonprofit humour](https://staging.idronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/deepika-wine-300x169.jpg)
![two panel image of deepika padukone making a disgusted face-nonprofit humour]()
![image of deepika with her tongue out-nonprofit humour]()
![two panel image of deepika looking at herself in the mirror-nonprofit humour](https://staging.idronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/deepika-wine-300x169.jpg)
2. When you’re in both, a zoom call as well as an argument with someone in your house.
![two panel image of deepika padukone making a disgusted face-nonprofit humour](https://staging.idronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/deepika-zoom-argument-300x225.jpg)
3. Your parents/grandparents: “Come watch the 9.00 PM news with us”
You: “I’m working, sorry”
You: “I’m working, sorry”
You (actually):
GIF courtesy: Gifer
4. When you’ve had a long, hard week at work and see that biryani has been made for dinner.
![image of deepika with her tongue out-nonprofit humour](https://staging.idronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/biryani-300x211.jpg)
5. And then you realise the biryani was a ploy to get you to join the family zoom call on Friday night.
GIF courtesy: Gifer
6. Your family: Why aren’t you even trying to get dressed for work?
7. Your family: You really should consider donating anything you haven’t worn recently.
You, at the next zoom call: