Your finance team is on the brink of finding out exactly how far you have strayed from your yearly budget targets. These glasses could make it seem like it’s not so bad (even if it is).
A cheque-book that has the word ‘reality’ printed on it in bold letters, with lines for advice instead of numerical amounts. Every time the corporate crossover in your team says something obnoxious like, “oh, we don’t get company cars and drivers?!” you get the satisfaction of handing them one.
No meeting goes by without at least one person saying something utterly nonsensical. Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Buy this buzzer for every time you want to call someone out.
As we head into conference season, dozing off during panel discussions is an inevitability (as is that one speaker who jokes about falling asleep during the post-lunch session). Paste these eye-shaped stickers on your eye-lids, and instantly become the most engaged person in the hall.
Block out chunks of time on your calendar so people stop pulling you into meetings, and you can actually get some of your work done.
A field visit first-timer would never know what to expect, but you can help them. This book will teach them just enough to hide their urban-ness.
Imagine being able to trade networking events, conferences, meetings, time spent on reimbursements—and anything else—with a colleague. Now, make it happen with these You-Owe-Me slips.