July 7, 2017

Eleven rules to make it to the top at the UN

Deep down, we all know that the best jobs in development come with a large bungalow and backyard, a 24/7 chauffeur, and diplomatic immunity. Here’s the only guide you’ll ever need to help you get there.

2 min read

As we all know, national staff are all dying to become international staff. Who wouldn’t want a salary ten times higher along with their own driver? But how to do it? How to make that apparently impossible leap?

Well, comrades, finally the wait is over. Here, after many years of observation at close quarters as a national aid worker at a UN agency that will remain nameless, are the crucial rules for how to act, look and sound like international staff. Consider this my contribution to your “capacity building”.

1. Always, always talk about how busy you are.

It does not matter if it detracts from the actual work you’re meant to be “busy” doing. It is extremely important that everyone around you knows that you just regrettably don’t have time to mentor all the national staff you came here to save.


Source: Fox/mmmsimpsons.tumblr.com

Read the next ten rules here.

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Guardian Global Development

The Guardian's award-winning global development site was launched in 2010 to provide special focus on the millennium development goals — the eight targets set in 2000 by the United Nations Millennium Declaration with the aim of improving the lives of the world's poorest people by 2015. The site, which hosts comment from a range of voices around the globe, alongside news, features, debate, data and student resources, is made possible by part-funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The site is editorially independent of any sponsorship.