December 13, 2021

Honest workplace designations

Because glamorous job titles don’t capture what you *really* do.

2 min read

1. Chief Worry-er

No matter the situation, good or bad, their list of things to worry about is never-ending.

2. President of Delegation

They live by the motto: Never do anything yourself that others can do for you.

3. Lead Bottleneck

The ultimate decision-maker, they need to do everything and know everything. (Including the font size of the document you sent out yesterday). 

4. Vice President of Saying ‘No’

Has a ready list of four to six reasons for why your brilliant idea will not work.

5. Executive Cat Herder 

Is forever trying to coordinate between the communications team, the graphic designer, and the IT department just to upload one document on the website.

close up of yellow lego with different heads, with different faces and expressions, all together-nonprofit humour
Picture courtesy: Pixabay

6. Chief of Chai

Spends a suspicious amount of time making (and consuming) tea. How they manage to get any other work done remains an unsolved mystery. 

7. Professional Conference Attender 

After struggling during the first lockdown, they persevered and in no time their calendar was filled with back-to-back online conferences and webinar invites. 

8. President of Miscellaneous

Ordering toilet paper, paying the electricity bill, renaming documents correctly—they’ve got it all covered.

9. Associate of Deadlines-are-a-social-construct

It’s a standard practice in your organisation to give them deadlines two weeks before they’re actually due. 

10. Mischief Manager 

How would you get through the workday without their constant stream of ridiculous stories and absurd anecdotes?

11. Head Gen-Z Slang Translator

Once, on a call, they used the word ‘yeet’. Now they spend their days decoding gen-z slang for senior management.

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Tanaya Jagtiani

Tanaya is a writer and content manager at Noora Health. She was previously an editorial associate at IDR, where she managed Failure Files, in addition to writing, editing, curating, and publishing content. Tanaya holds an MSc in Globalisation and Development from SOAS, University of London and a BA in Sociology from St Xavier’s College, Mumbai.