When your favourite co-worker schedules an in-person meeting on a day you’re supposed to WFH, and it’s at 2:00 PM which they *know* is your unofficial nap time

When you’ve spent 1.5 years working at home, with limited professional interaction, no camera on, and now you’re in a meeting trying to explain why you visibly rolled your eyes at something your colleague said

Watching two team members fight over whose responsibility it was to send an email, after being deprived of this petty drama for far too long

Trying to succinctly explain to your family what the first day commuting one hour to the office and one hour back was like, when you have no energy left.

Learning how to talk to the person who used to send follow up emails, except now, they just walk over to your desk three times a day in an attempt to get the information they want

The moment you realise that attending a 9:00 AM meeting now means waking up at 7:00 AM

When your extroverted teammate is trying to explain how returning to an in-person environment is actually beneficial and just. so. energising.

When your team member asks what the point of a hybrid set up is, when all the work happens on the days they are working at home

What it feels like waking up on a day you’re working from home, your kids are at school, your partner is in their office, and finally, finally, the house is *yours*