Nandita de Souza

Nandita de Souza-Image

Nandita de Souza is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, whose raison d'etre is children and all who care for them. She is the Director of the Sethu Centre for Child Development & Family Guidance in Goa, a multidisciplinary facility that offers family centred care using a strengths-based approach to neurodivergent children and their families. Nandita is a self ‘ADHDvocate’ who wants to change the world and have fun at the same time. That’s easier than finding her car keys.

Areas of expertise

Child development, disability, mental health, inclusive education

Currently working at

I have worked in the Depts of Pediatrics in Government service from 1983 to 1993, followed by private practice as a pediatrician for 3 years. In 1996 I founded Sangath society and worked as the Clinical Director for 8 years before resigning on ethical grounds, to start Sethu in 2005 where I have been the Director since its inception

Articles by Nandita de Souza

an indian family walking on the beach--family-centred care

October 11, 2024
Why families are key to supporting children with neurodiversity
Children with neurodevelopmental disabilities in India are often viewed with stigma due to misinformation and a lack of support services. Here's how family-centred care can help change this outlook and ensure that both the family and the child are cared for.
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