
A pig in a pigsty-pig farming
October 17, 2024
Selling a pig in Tripura is more difficult than selling one in Assam

Seven Sisters Development Assistance (SeSTA), a nonprofit based in the Northeast, works to empower local farmers through various livelihood activities related to agriculture and livestock rearing, including pig farming. While…

a building that says shiksha bhavan_vidyajyoti scheme
September 6, 2024
Who is paying the extra fee for the Vidyajyoti scheme in Tripura?

Tripura’s government launched the Vidyajyoti scheme in 2022 that stipulates the transitioning of government schools from the Tripura Board of Secondary Education to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)….

an agriculture field in Tripura
January 11, 2024
A problem of plenty: The challenges facing agriculture in rural Tripura

Bairagipara is a village in West Tripura district and lies on the Baramura hill range. The river Sumili runs through the village. When the Sumili swells during the monsoon, a…

August 18, 2022
Keeping the fire burning: Why Adivasis in Tripura prefer firewood

In my village of Narifang, situated in Tripura’s south district, temperatures fluctuate between 14 and 20 degrees Celsius in the winter months of January and February. Chilly winds that blow…

March 31, 2020
The deng gwi

The deng gwi, as it is known in the Kokborok language, is a traditional machine used to grind rice and other grains. It is made of wood—either from the sal…