April 19, 2021

Delhi Police asks its officers to be polite while dealing with migrant workers returning home

COVID-19: The Special Branch of Delhi Police has asked all 15 district police officials to send migrant workers back to their homes or shelters if they are found roaming around without “authorisation”. The advisory has been issued in the wake of restrictions being imposed on movement in the national capital to curb the surge in COVID-19 cases. 

Fearing a sudden rush at major inter-state bus terminals and railway stations due to rumours about a lockdown, the Special Branch has directed all district police personnel to assist people. It has also asked them to intensify patrolling at night.

“It is apprehended that rumour mongers may speculate about any curfew or lockdown leading to unregulated movement of migrant labourers. They may also not follow social distancing norms during such mass movements which may increase the transmission of COVID-19,” read the Special Branch advisory.

The Special Branch has also urged all police personnel to be polite while dealing with migrant workers and coordinate with civic authoritiesto arrange food and water, in case workers are found to be hungry.

The 21-day nationwide lockdown that began on March 24th, 2020 put millions of Indians out of work. With few transport options available, thousands of migrant workers resorted to commuting on foot to reach home. Many died during these arduous journeys. Amid fears of suffering from another lockdown, many migrant workers have left cities over the past few days while many others are mulling returning home.

Read this article on why a pandemic is not a law and order problem.

May 20, 2021

Home Ministry extends validity period of FCRA registration certificates

Fundraising & Communications: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued a circular extending the validity of FCRA registration certificates to September 30th, 2021. This applies to all FCRA licences that have expired or will expire between September 29th, 2020 and May 31st, 2021. The decision to extend the deadline has been driven by the exigencies arising from the COVID-19 situation.

FCRA refers to the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010, which permits charitable organisations based in India to raise funds from foreign sources.

The order also clarified that nonprofits that have already opened an account and have the requisite permission to receive foreign aid, can henceforth receive it only in these newly-opened accounts.

The FCRA law was amended in September 2020 to include a clause that mandated that all nonprofits receiving foreign aid must necessarily open an account in State Bank of India’s New Delhi Main Branch. The government had initially set the deadline for this account opening as March 31st, 2021; it later extended it to June 30th, 2021 after several nonprofits argued in court that there had been delays because necessary approvals from MHA had not been received.

Several organisations have not been able to receive foreign funds during the crisis caused by the second wave, and this has impacted their COVID-19 relief efforts. Relaxing the foreign funding rules could significantly help organisations ramp up their operations to help individuals, supply critical healthcare equipment, and respond to communities in rural areas.

Read this article to know how amending the FCRA can have unforeseen implications.

May 20, 2021

Corporate spending on oxygen support and medical equipment now counts as CSR

Philanthropy & CSR: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has issued a circular that allows corporate spending on health infrastructure for COVID-19 care to qualify as corporate social responsibility (CSR) expenditure.

This includes setting up medical oxygen generation and storage plants, manufacturing and supply of oxygen concentrators, ventilators, cylinders, and other medical equipment to counter COVID-19.  

The announcement comes at a time when all efforts are being directed towards expediting efforts to support the country’s healthcare infrastructure.

According to the circular, companies can now undertake projects and activities in collaboration with other companies using CSR funds. Additionally, they can contribute to specified research and development projects, as well as publicly funded universities and certain organisations that conduct research in science, technology, engineering, and medicine.

The government had earlier clarified that setting up makeshift hospitals and temporary COVID-19 care facilities would also be considered a CSR activity. Rajesh Verma, the Corporate Affairs Secretary, has requested businesses to consider converting vacant office buildings into COVID-19 facilities to cater to the rapidly increasing caseload.

Read this article to understand why media attention on COVID-19 deaths due to lack of oxygen in big cities has skewed donor priorities.