Equitable Recovery

The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation has been active in India since 1990 and maintained an office in New Delhi since 1994. Since 2015, the foundation has been supporting India’s growing national, regional, and global leadership on climate change as part of its Climate Solutions programme. The foundation also recently contributed towards the country’s equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


This special 10-part series has been supported by John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation. This series highlights lessons and insights of organisations working at the grassroots to build more resilient, inclusive communities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
a woman hauling a wheelbarrow full of waste--waste-pickers

June 1, 2023
Is there a role for informal waste pickers in the new waste economy?
As the waste management industry grows, little attention is being paid to working with and integrating informal waste pickers, who have picked and sorted solid waste in invisibility for decades.
A woman looming silk_muslim women

April 21, 2023
Muslim women workers in India: What the data doesn’t tell us
The pandemic made it easier for middle- and upper-class Muslim women to find jobs, but lower-income households struggled. Migrant workers from the community also remained invisible.
A man helping another man in loading sweet sorghum stover into truck_agriculture in andhra pradesh

February 28, 2023
The changing face of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh
Repeated use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides over the years has resulted in poor soil health, pushing farmers in Andhra Pradesh to explore natural farming methods.
motorbikes and autos stuck in traffic-urban governance

February 8, 2023
Are citizens in Bangalore giving up because of poor governance?
Civic enthusiasm garnered during the pandemic has lost steam in the face of political fluidity and administrative apathy.
a village in assam under lockdown during covid-19-mental health

November 16, 2022
Post COVID-19, a mental health crisis is brewing in Assam
Variations in culture and terrain at the last mile make mental health support challenging in the state.
Women preparing organic growth promoters

September 7, 2022
Women in Gujarat confront uncertainties post pandemic
Women across the state share how hard times during the pandemic increased their focus on health, changed their livelihood patterns, and made their communities more frugal and watchful.
Adolescent girls in a class in Ranchi, Jharkhand

August 11, 2022
Keeping adolescent girls at the centre as we rebuild
The pandemic has had a devastating impact on adolescent girls and young women in Jharkhand. What can nonprofits and funders do to help them achieve their aspirations despite setbacks to their education, mental health, and more?
a woman dressed in green picks up mahua flowers off the forest floor-adivasis

July 22, 2022
Beyond the pandemic: The struggles of Chhattisgarh’s Adivasis
The challenges faced by the Adivasis are rooted in poor implementation of policies and laws, and continuous exploitation of their lands and livelihoods.
Labourer standing behind a cart with sacks on it-migrant workers

May 31, 2022
India’s informal workers demand better working conditions
Migrant workers from Madhya Pradesh seek dignity of labour and accountability from the government and industry as they explore alternate livelihoods in agriculture, local enterprise, and more.
A group of laborers returning from the fields-migrant workers

April 14, 2022
Migrant workers from East UP: Where are they now?
Lockdowns during the pandemic forced migrant workers across India to return home. Here’s how migrants from East UP coped with the consequences, and how the government, nonprofits, and funders can support them.