The Troublemakers

The Troublemakers
It costs to be funny. No, really.
We say the things most people can’t, and sometimes, we get into trouble with our funders.
But from now on, we’ve decided to lean into it. We’re launching The Troublemakers, a new fundraising initiative where you show your support for the kind of irreverent comedy that the social impact sector so desperately needs.
You can do this by giving us money, and in return, you get to sleep with a clear conscience, knowing that you did your part to make the world a more honest, hilarious place.
Your money—no matter how little—will also help us stay free to read, continue the comedy, pay ourselves somewhat decent wages, and finally allow us to sleep soundly for the first time in six years.
Plus, IDR is a nonprofit company, so your donation is tax-deductible.
To join The Troublemakers, you can choose from the preset amount or enter any amount you prefer after clicking the button below.
How to join The Troublemakers
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