Mohini Bhaisare

Mohini Bhaisare-Image

Mohini Bhaisare is a climate resilience expert, urban infrastructure consultant, policy advisor, research enthusiast, and project management professional. She advises Aga Khan Agency for Habitat on its climate resilience projects, helping develop adaptation and mitigation processes that combat climate change and drive net-zero emissions. Mohini has advised both government and private clients on project development, public policy, and governance, focusing on sustainable solutions to address climate and urban challenges.

Areas of expertise

Climate and risk resilience, carbon credit and carbon sequestration, decarbonisation and net zero, city climate action plan, urban development

Currently working at

Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India, Climate change coordinator

Articles by Mohini Bhaisare

Bird-eye view of a roof with children flying kites_climate action plans

September 26, 2024
Climate action plans for India’s emerging cities
As India urbanises rapidly and climate impacts intensify, it’s crucial to ensure that new cities are built sustainably from the start. A climate action plan can be the first step in this direction.
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