Neha Saigal

Neha Saigal-Image

Neha is the Director - Gender and Climate Change at Asar Social Impact Advisors. She has previously worked with Azim Premji Foundation, IPE Global, Haiyya, and Greenpeace. Neha is also a leadership and campaigns facilitator and has supported the Swedish Institute in designing and facilitating Leader Lab for civil society leaders. She is currently enrolled in a master’s on political ecology and degrowth with the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Areas of expertise

Gender, climate change, network building, maternal and child health, leadership

Articles by Neha Saigal

A woman drawing water from a well in thar desert_feminist perspective

June 13, 2024
Climate change needs a feminist lens 
Climate knowledge is often built top-down, overlooking diverse experiences and expertise of women and marginalised communities. This needs to change.
A woman explaining the layout of her village on a handrawn map on the wall--climate

September 22, 2023
India’s climate discourse needs local narratives
The language and expressions shaping the climate change conversation often don't resonate with the realities of the most affected communities. This needs to change.
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