Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar-Image

Arun Kumar is a social change consultant, researcher, and author. He has worked extensively in India with several social purpose organisations. His academic writings have been about the subaltern cultural economy of marginalisation and resistance, while in the social development space he writes on caste, climate change, migration, and the urban poor nexus in the majority world. Arun is based out of London.

Areas of expertise

Research on caste, climate change, migration, and urban poor nexus in the Majority World

Articles by Arun Kumar

Repeated text saying failed to load resource error_caste discrimination

November 11, 2022
Denying development by ignoring caste
A systemic denial to collect data on caste-based discrimination undermines development efforts in India.
A person holding a vaccine bottle and syringe-picture courtesy-Flickr

May 25, 2021
India’s COVID-19 vaccine drive is excluding millions of citizens
The government's recently published guidelines for vaccinating vulnerable groups are inadequate, and risk excluding the very people they are meant to benefit.

April 28, 2020
Making the poor pay
A surveillance camera_Carlos Twose - Flickr

April 21, 2020
Data and privacy in the times of COVID-19
As donors seek reports on nonprofit relief efforts, questions around data and dignity are more relevant now than ever.
person addressing rally-political individual

January 2, 2020
Is sustainable development possible without an accountable government?
The forced depoliticisation of civil society has compromised our ability to build a democratic society.
in balance

April 11, 2019
Are social change and scale mutually exclusive?
"As the clarion call for scale increases in volume, it is worth always asking, what is it we want to scale? And how will it enable social change for those who have been kept at the bottom of the pyramid?"
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