This game is pretty straightforward, as the name suggests. Everyone stands in a circle, and gets a turn to guess your organisation’s budget deficit for the year. The winner gets to bask in their glory. The person who loses has to go and inform the board about the deficit.
Now that we know who is going to tell the board about the deficit, we need someone to pin the blame on. This is like the classic, ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, except instead of the donkey we have photos of middle management on a board. The founder is blindfolded and pins the tail on someone’s photo; and that person has to take the blame for this year’s deficit.
Related article: Diwali gifts—Nonprofit style
Prepare to be reminded of all your traumas in the social sector as you play this customised game of snakes and ladders. If your party has alcohol, keep it close.
Remember the game where you had to name a place that begins with the last letter of the place the person before you said? A for Afghanistan; N for Norway, and so on. Play it, but here’s the catch: you can only use names of villages, blocks, or districts where your organisation runs its programmes.

Picture courtesy: Pixabay
The original game we all know and love, but with a nonprofit twist. Every song you sing must be descriptive of the various moods (pains) one has, working in the social sector. Try this playlist for inspiration.
Don’t mess with this one. Everyone in the team gets to swing at the piñata (or as we call it in India, the khoi bag), without blindfolds. No treats come out of it, because you probably don’t have the budget. But that’s okay because getting to release all your frustration is its own reward.